Three Benefits Of Pistol Silencers

Posted on: 26 October 2020

Whether you enjoy going out on the range with your firearms or just want to go in the backyard of your rural property to shoot a few rounds, there can be several reasons why you should consider a pistol silencer. Not only does it benefit you, but it can also benefit those around you, keeping everybody safe and having a good time in the process. Below are a few reasons to get a pistol silencer. [Read More]

4 Tips For Riding A Tandem Bike

Posted on: 24 May 2019

If you've ever seen two people riding a tandem bike, you're unlikely to forget it. Tandem bikes are distinctive and immediately recognizable. They present a fun challenge, as well as a new way to spend time with your loved one. If you'd like to try a tandem bike for yourself, here are four tips that can help you on your first ride: 1. Always wear helmets. You should always wear a helmet any time you're on a bike, and this is especially true when riding tandem. [Read More]

Own A Dispensary? How To Market Yourself

Posted on: 24 May 2019

You own a marijuana dispensary, and having a stellar reputation is your top priority. You want to be represented well in your community since your goal is to continue to give marijuana and THC-based products a positive name. Even though marijuana is legal in your area on both a recreational and medical level, you are still sensitive to the stigma this herb can carry as a potentially negative thing. You're about to embark on a marketing journey to get your dispensary out there to the general public who smokes or partakes in pot or THC products. [Read More]

Out With The Pool – In With The New Hot Tub

Posted on: 29 April 2019

Swimming pools are awesome in the summer and when you have little ones running about, but when the kids outgrow the pool and winter weather sets in, the pool becomes a burden that you could probably live without. At this point in your life, wouldn't it be nice if you had a place to go and unwind throughout all four seasons? If so, it's time for you to look into buying a hot tub. [Read More]