Tips For Successful Salmon Fishing
Posted on: 3 October 2022
Fall is an exciting time for salmon fishing, as anglers line rivers and streams hoping to catch the fish swimming upstream. If you're casting for salmon this fall, use these tips to help you catch the big one—or several big ones.
Use New Hooks
Salmon have a thick jawline that's more difficult to penetrate than other fish jaws. Hooks that you've used all summer may be dull, especially if they've been scratched against metal when pulling them out with pliers, or in your tackle box. If they're too dull, they won't be able to hook salmon when you get a bite.
Make sure your hooks are sharp by using new ones for this fall's salmon-fishing season. You can keep these hooks for next spring and summer when anglers usually go for other species.
Select the Right Bait
Using the right bait is always key to getting any fish to bite. The bait that salmon like isn't necessarily what other species will bite, though. Roe (fish eggs) is one of the most common baits for salmon, but cut bait (strips of fish) is also effective. Usually, the fish strips are herring or smelt, but this is more because they're cheap and readily available than anything else.
Use a Flashy Item
Salmon often swim in deeper water, where there's less light. Adding something flashy to your hook will help them notice your bait—and hopefully bite it. You can use a combination of a flashy lure and bait, or you might find a hook that's extra shiny. If your technique is to leave your bait in a deeper section of the river, a bright sinker might also work.
Cast Upstream
When casting from a riverbank or bridge, always cast upstream. Casting upstream allows you to slowly reel in as the bait flows down with the current, and this makes the bait follow a natural motion through the water. The bait also flows in the opposite direction that the salmon are swimming, so you have a greater chance of passing the bait by the fish.
If you're casting from a riverbank, you should also cast toward the other side of the river or stream. This will keep the bait from washing up on the bank as it flows down. If you're casting from a bridge, you can choose a location that's not too close to a bank. You then won't have to worry about your bait washing up on the bank.
Contact a local fishing service to learn more about salmon fishing.